$ npm install react-json-schema

Configure and build views using JSON schemas mapped to React components.

Render from Data

JSON is a commonly used data-interchage format, and has parsing libraries available for most languages. react-json-schema makes it easy to pass and manipulate React views across any technology stack.

{ "component": "form", "className": "m2", "children": [{ "component": "label", "children": [{ "component": "div", "text": "First Name" }, { "component": "input", "type": "text", "name": "firstName", "className": "mb2" }] }, { "component": "label", "children": [{ "component": "div", "text": "Last Name" }, { "component": "input", "type": "text", "name": "lastName" }] }] }

Abstract Components

This example uses components provided from react-id-swiper. react-json-schema enables you to quickly dive into exploring any component library, including your own.

{ "component": "Swiper", "shouldSwiperUpdate": true, "pagination": { "el": ".swiper-pagination", "clickable": true }, "children": [{ "component": "div", "style": { "color": "#80d12a" }, "children": [{ "component": "h3", "text": "One dependency (ReactDOM)" }] },{ "component": "div", "style": { "color": "#9352eb" }, "children": [{ "component": "h3", "text": "5KB Minified" }] }] }

Typical Implementation

Grab dependencies and components

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import ReactJsonSchema from 'react-json-schema';

import CommentList from 'CommentList';
import Comment from 'Comment';


Define a JSON schema

const schema = {
  "component": "CommentList",
  "children": [
      "component": "Comment",
      "author": "Pete Hunt",
      "children": "This is one comment"
      "component": "Comment",
      "author": "Jordan Walke",
      "children": "This is *another* comment"
      "component": "a",
      "href": "#help",
      "text": "I need help"


Map components to schema and render

const view = new ReactJsonSchema();
view.setComponentMap({ CommentList, Comment });
